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들어가는 말

Venting 1
Venting of bins, silos or hoppers that are filled by POSITIVE PNEUMATIC CONVEYING SYSTEMS normally does not require a suction fan, as the air flow is generated by a compressor or blower. 
The purpose of the filter is to allow the upward air flow to escape while capturing the dust particles, preventing them from spreading in the atmosphere.
WAM®AIR offers specialised venting filters such as SILOTOP ZERO, WAMFLO Vibrated, DUSTSHAKE, HOPPERTOP, HOPPERJET, WAMFLO Food, WAMFLO ATEX, and WAMAIR ATEX. Each one perfectly fits a specific industry and application.
There are also configurable models such as WAMFLO and WAMAIR, which are designed for virtually all other applications.

플랜트 배치

표준화된 제품

WAMFLO - 플랜지 라운드 집진설비 사일로벤팅 및 다양한 용도로 사용
WAMAIR Vacuum - 부압식 육면체형 집진설비 삽입용 부압 조건에서 안전하게 분진 제거
WAMAIR - 다각형 집진기 모든 종류의 분진 문제에 대한 솔루션
HOPPERTOP - 웨잉호퍼 벤트필터 공간 절약 호퍼 벤팅
HOPPERJET - 호퍼 벤트필터 고효율성 호퍼 벤팅
WAMFLO Food - 플랜지 라운드 집진설비 EC 1935 / 2004 준수 첨단 집진기
WAMFLO ATEX - Flanged Round Dust Collectors ATEX-certified The smart solution for potentially explosive atmospheres
WAMFLO Vibrated
WAMFLO Vibrated - Silo Venting Filters with Vibration Cleaning Easy Bin or Silo Venting Without Compressed Air
WAMAIR ATEX - Flanged Polygonal Dust Collectors ATEX-certified Versatile compact dedusting solutions for potentially explosive atmospheres



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