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Green Energy from RONCUZZI

2013-02-01  |  Gravellona Toce, Italy
Green or renewable energy is a topic of particular interest to industrial and emerging countries alike. Apart from wind power, solar energy and biogas production, hydropower exploiting small to medium size water courses is becoming more and more popular in various areas. Italy, where WAMGROUP member RONCUZZI has so far supplied 30 Hydrodymanic Screws, is one of a number of countries that provide special incentives for this technology.

After the installation of two 3.4 metre diameter screws in Gravellona Toce near Lago Maggiore, in February 2013 RONCUZZI placed three units of even larger size for the biggest hydroscrew plant in Italy to this date. The screws are located in Olevano Lomellina in the province of Pavia, near Milan. In parallel the three screws bridge a drop of three metres reaching a nominal flow rate of 15 cubic metres per second. The total power generated amounts to 400 kWh. Annual production is estimated at 2.9 million kWh. By operating the plant, 670 tons of oil can be saved per year, thus avoiding 2160 tons of CO2 emission.

A sister plant was started up in July just a few kilometres down the road while an even bigger installation will go into operation nearby in 2014.
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